Hot flashes
Hi I've been experiencing something that I'd like to mention. It's about hot flashes and those horrible night sweats, I almost drifted out of bed, a friend tipped me to try breast pills. She also suffered from hot flashes and was pleasantly surprised by the side effect of the breast pills. She had ordered these pills to increase the firmness of her breasts, of course, so when she came to the conclusion after about 5 weeks that she no longer suffered from her hot flashes, she thought it could only be because of those pills. So to be sure she stopped taking the pills for 1 week. When all the trouble came back, she started again and indeed it went away.
She knew I had the same trouble with my menopause and she advised me to try it since there's no harm in trying anyway and full breasts are also nice to have. After all, we also go to the sauna and in the whirlpool with others including men. So I find firm full breasts definitely better in those circumstances than flabby breasts.
I know it will take months to really see an effect on the breasts, but so far so good, my hot flashes and horrible night sweats are already over. I think this is much more important than full breasts. My menopause symptoms already disappeared 4 weeks after I started taking the pills! Another side effect, not that it matters, but still...my libido also improved.
If I had known this 10 years ago I would have prevented myself from a lot of misery, when I think back to the hot summer nights, I still don't feel good, I suffered so much at night, it's indescribable, horrible is still carefully said. And during the day I was, of course, exhausted because I did not sleep a wink at night. I sometimes thought that if I have to age this way, I'd rather not. People don't understand how much you suffer when you're awake for 30 days, I was a wreck. Of course, you have no libido, I felt like a Zombie.
I still can't imagine that I lived like this. And of course, I have tried everything that is available in products, the biggest brands are the biggest nonsense to me, even no relief at all. I can therefore confidently advise every woman with menopausal complaints to try these breast pills for menopausal complaints. A miracle cure for me. By the way, after 2 months I noticed that my breasts also responded positively to the cure. So ladies here is my story. I hope it makes someone happy.
Translated by Interactivated